Six common boiler and heating FAQs

Let’s take a look at six of the most common boiler and heating FAQs:

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Which is cheapest – an electric boiler or gas?

Boiler prices are similar, but installing an electric boiler is easier and therefore cheaper. Electricity is easy to reach, whereas gas boilers may need extensive new plumbing to connect them. Gas boilers also require vents to take waste gases away, while electric boilers have no waste products to worry about.

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Which is cheaper to run?

Electric appliances can achieve higher energy efficiency. Some manufacturers claim 99 per cent efficiency in turning electricity into heat, while gas boilers struggle to achieve 90 per cent. Whether this makes them cheaper depends on the cost of electricity in the first place, with gas boilers currently costing substantially less in fuel.

What are the environmental differences?

Don’t be deceived by the 99 per cent efficiency boast if you are motivated by environmental concerns. This 99 per cent does not include the efficiency of the power station and electricity supply grid. Waste and pollution are simply further away; however, having fewer flues venting waste gases near your home might be a plus.

What are the servicing costs?

Real costs also depend on your maintenance bills. Theoretically, it is most important to service gas appliances; in fact, this is often required by law and by insurance companies. This doesn’t mean gas boilers are less reliable, as countless gas boilers have been operating problem-free for 25 years without a service.

A Bristol boiler service avoids the danger of a sudden large bill if the boiler breaks down and keeps it running efficiently.

What are boiler regulations?

Any boiler installation is a job for the professionals, such as Regulations are strictest in regard to gas appliances., with Gas Safety regulations introduced in 1998 and amended in 2018. Gas appliances can only be installed by Gas Safe registered engineers.

What are combi boilers

Combination boilers power both your heating and your hot water. There are both gas and electric combis.

Combis don’t have storage tanks; instead, the water is heated as it is needed and delivered at mains pressure. This makes combi boilers easier and cheaper to install. It is important to get a combi powerful enough to fill your bath quickly and cope with the number of taps in your home