How to make homemade baking soda air freshener

homemade baking soda air freshener

There are many applications that sodium bicarbonate has in the cleaning and disinfection of the home. Still, perhaps you did not know that it is also an excellent ingredient to make effective and very cheap home air fresheners. Its absorption capacity makes bicarbonate the perfect base element to make your air freshener, ideal both for small spaces such as cabinets or drawers and for more open spaces such as a room.

If you want your house’s rooms to give off your favorite aroma, pay attention to the steps that we suggest in the following article, as we explain how to make homemade baking soda air freshener. Take note: Diy concrete pool

How to make homemade baking soda air freshener?

homemade baking soda air freshener

Steps to follow:

Take a glass jar that you have at home and wash it thoroughly so that no remains of its original content remain. A jar of jam or one that contained canned vegetables (peas, green beans, etc.) can go very well. Once clean, dry it completely.

Pour 3 large, heaping tablespoons of baking soda into the jar (about 70-90 grams). This is an approximate amount since it will always depend on the size of the bottle chosen. To give you an idea, the baking soda should take up 1/3 of the total capacity of the container you use to make this durable home air freshener.

Once the bicarbonate has been introduced, add 10-12 drops of the essential oil you like best. As a suggestion, lavender is great to place your air freshener inside a closet or on a shelf in the living room. The essential oil of citrus fruits such as lemon or that of aromatic plants such as basil, for example, leave a pleasant aroma in the kitchen. Simultaneously, if you prefer an air freshener for the bathroom, that of rosemary or eucalyptus is perfect for neutralizing the smell that they can dislodge sumps and pipes.

The bicarbonate will absorb bad odors and the oils will gradually release their pleasant perfume. Of course, keep in mind that the number of essential oil drops can be increased or reduced depending on whether you want a more or less intense aroma.

With the two ingredients in the jar, stir well with a spoon or rod for a few minutes so that the bicarbonate is diluted, soaks well and absorbs the essential oil you have chosen. With this little trick, the fragrance of the chosen oil will be released over the weeks.

To finish, you will have to close the container so that the aroma can come out well. The best option is to place a piece of cloth that is not very dense, like a sack (raffia, linen …) that gradually releases the aroma. Place it in the bottle’s opening and secure it with the help of a string or duct tape.

One trick to increase your air freshener’s effectiveness and intensity is to add some aromatic herbs or plants to the mix. Lavender, mint or basil leaves, rose petals … all these options give excellent results. With the jar closed, shake the inner mixture very carefully to not leak out of the container. Finally, you will only have to place your home air freshener where you consider it most necessary.

If your air freshener will be in a public place, you can also leave an aesthetically more beautiful bottle open with the mixture inside; Place some typical air freshener sticks in it and let it aromatize the whole place. Also, another option is to make natural air fresheners with baking soda in the form of a spray so that you can spread it throughout a room, cooling it immediately.

In this case, make your air freshener as we have indicated, that is, mixing the bicarbonate and essential oil in a glass container. When you have the mixture ready, do not close the container; Pour into a bottle or spray bottle until full.

Remember that the spray bottle you use has to be very clean, so whether it is new or you have used it previously, we recommend you wash it well with water and neutral soap and dry it completely before adding your air freshener mixture with bicarbonate.

To transfer the air freshener from the glass bottle to the spray bottle, it is best to use a funnel to do it safely and without wasting a drop.

Close the bottle and … voila! You will already have your home air freshener to give an extra touch of perfume to any room whenever you want.
Do you want to make a homemade baking soda air freshener even more easily? Substitute essential oils for a few drops of your fabric softener and prepare it as we have indicated.