What are the key elements to storing clothes?

Now we are enjoying lighter nights and warmer days, those winter clothes should have been stored away till October or later.  What’s the best way of storing all those woolly jumpers and heavy fabrics? You don’t want them gathering dust and smelling musty when it’s time to wrap up warm again. Here are some tips for your clothing so it’s good as new come Autumn:

1. Clean them first
Before putting away clothes for storage, always make sure they are freshly laundered or dry cleaned. Don’t be tempted to put clothes away until they are completely dry too. Storing damp or dirty clothes will only be more attractive to moths, who just love to feast on clothing!

2. Don’t be tempted to iron
You might think clothes need to be ironed before storing but don’t do it and keep the clothes away from starch as well. Starch and ironing can weaken fabrics, making them more susceptible to tearing along creases.

3. Correct storage containers are key
The best material to use is plastic and not wood, cardboard or paper. Plastic is moisture-proof and better at preventing pests. Cardboard and paper products actually contain chemicals that can cause damage to fabrics. Cardboard boxes also attract certain pests who are drawn to the glue proteins used in the box edges. Plastic boxes don’t have to be perfectly airtight either, as some materials benefits from being able to breathe a little.

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4. Keep cool
Storing clothes is not easy even in places like those available from Park Homes Gloucester. However they will give you plenty of proper storage space especially when you check out parkhomelife.com/our-parks/orchard-park  and then you can see for yourself.

5. Special care items
If you are storing unusual material or highly valuable items, make sure they are wrapped in an acid-free paper to protect them and prevent excessive creasing.

6. Long term storage
If you’ll be storing items for extended periods of time, such as a wedding dress, an acid-free storage box is the best option. For normal every day wear that will be stored away for more than a couple of seasons, it’s a good idea to take them out twice a year and re-fold along different lines. You’ll also be able to keep an eye on any signs of deterioration or damage.

7. Vacuum packing
Vacuum packing is a great idea for protecting from damp, mould, bugs, dirt and dust. They are also very handy for saving you space. You can also use them for bulky items such as pillows and duvets. Don’t vacuum pack natural materials like wool, however, as they need to breathe.