Make your home more sustainable in these easy ways

In an age when we are constantly being implored to reduce our carbon footprint, you can do your bit for the environment by making a few simple lifestyle changes at home. First of all you could get an Inspection app from sites like which will enable you to evaluate what work needs doing in the property and when you will need to get it done.  It also enables you to take pictures of the work so you know exactly where it is in the house.

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With research from Livestrong suggesting that extensive emissions of carbon dioxide have serious consequences for the environment, such as impacting on climate change and contributing to the dangerous depletion of natural resources, it has never been more important for all of us to reduce our carbon footprint. But what adjustments can you make in order to live a greener lifestyle and create a more sustainable home?

Change your lighting

If you’re not already using energy saving light bulbs then make the change today. Using a compact fluorescent bulb instead of an incandescent one can prevent the emission of up to 400 pounds of greenhouse gas. Some people complain about the quality of lighting from environmentally friendly bulbs but there are many different varieties with different brightness levels. Even if you can’t fully embrace them, they can still be used in areas of the home that aren’t used often such as basements or hallways.


Manufacturing large volumes of cheap furniture is unethical for the environment. Often it starts with using wood, thus contributing to deforestation, and that’s before you consider the amount of energy used in manufacturing and transporting high volumes of cheap goods that often don’t have a very long lifespan. Consider upcycling old furniture or shopping second hand. Bespoke furniture is also made to last and is another good environmental choice. Bespoke commercial desks dressers, tables and bed frames are just a few of the items you might be able to pick up and upcycle to match your tastes.

Temperature control

If you’re someone who cranks up the central heating at the first sight of a slight frost or leaves air conditioning on all day so their home is a comfortable temperature, then you are directly contributing to global warming. Indoor temperature systems use unnecessary energy so consider other ways to keep warm or cool. Otherwise you’ll have no option but to freeze or cook when fossil fuels run out.

Cleaning products

Ditch the shop bought cleaning products packed with toxic chemicals and opt for natural alternatives such as baking soda and vinegar; better for the environment and your health!

Infographic Provided By The Solar Energy Company, Route 66 Solar