Four Things to Consider When you are Choosing a New Garden Fence

If the time has come for you to get a new fence, then you need to think about what you want from your fence and consider all the options that are available before you go to somewhere like this fencing Loughborough based company and get one put up.

Like anything in your home, fencing is a personal choice, and you need a fence that works for you – these are some of the things to consider to make sure that you make the right choice of fencing…

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Security – As well as keeping intruders out of the garden, you will also likely need to make sure that kids or pets cannot get out either, so think about ways that you can make sure your fencing is secure and not climbable.

Restrictions – There are restrictions on the height of the fence that you can have in many parts of the UK, and also if you live in a listed building there are also likely to be requirements and restrictions on what you can have in the way of fencing, so be sure to investigate this first.

Aesthetics – A fence can also enhance the look of the garden – you might want to paint it a certain colour, or you might want to grow climbing plants up it – this is definitely something worth thinking about to make sure that it adds to the beauty of the garden.

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Privacy – Having some private space in your own garden is important and this is something to think about if you have a busy area outside your back garden or have lots of gardens surrounding you.