It is essential to learn to identify the symptoms of endometriosis in order to get an early diagnosis and not suffer major complications that could compromise our general health. The physical exercise and healthy eating are essential to help the effectiveness of medical procedures. Beyond the growth and appearance of endometrial tissue in the female reproductive system and surroundings, there are other symptoms of endometriosis that may indicate that it is time to visit your gynecologist.
Symptoms of endometriosis
Endometriosis appears in women reproductive period and may arise after the first menses. The strongest signs appear between 25 and 35 years. This condition has no definitive cure, but there are treatments that can improve your quality of life. Continue reading: Happy Feet! Solving Feet Problems With Orthotic Inserts
Very intense menstrual cramps
In many cases, menstrual pain that is stronger than normal is one of the first symptoms of endometriosis.
You must remember that this disease is the presence of cells that make up an inner layer of the uterus called the endometrium. It can also occur outside the uterus: in the tubes, in the ovaries, in the bladder or in the intestine.
When the woman menstruates, that inner layer of the uterus detaches, bleeds and is expelled vaginally. Thus, in women with endometriosis, during the period of menstruation, there is bleeding and inflammation in these other organs, which generates even more pain.
Sometimes, the appearance of colic has no apparent real reason. Surely you already know that pain is a natural symptom in a woman’s life. Therefore, you have to be careful if you go through a period more painful than usual.
Describe what you feel for your gynecologist to analyze the causes and guide you on the best treatment.
Pain during sexual intercourse
Because endometriosis can affect various organs of the pelvic region, the sexual contact with the region inflamed causing pain. Few women are aware of this symptom and believe that something else goes wrong when they feel pain.
You should always remember that sex should cause you pleasure and nothing else. If there is the pain, it is because something is not right. There are many who distrust this symptom and few who attribute to endometriosis the pain during sex.
But, how to know if it is truly related to this ailment? Will it be one of the symptoms of endometriosis? What if this discomfort I feel is normal?
You should know that among the characteristics of pain due to endometriosis are:
- It is a cyclical pain.
- It is of strong intensity.
- Increase progressively.
- It is associated with the same one that is felt during the menstrual period.
- You would not feel better with common painkillers.
Another of the symptoms of endometriosis that you probably do not know is the difficulty to get pregnant. Many women who have infertility have this drawback associated with it.
Such a correlation can be explained by the obstruction caused by endometriosis.
Chronic inflammation in the pelvis may prevent implantation of the embryo in the uterus. The good news is that, in the event that you have this problem, your fertility can be restored with proper treatment.
Of course, you will need patience and a very precise control. You must go to your gynecologist and follow each instruction given in the respective medications and times.
Alterations and pain in the intestine during menstrual bleeding
Since the intestine is located in the pelvic region, it is also affected by endometriosis.
In the menstrual period, lesions of endometriosis in the intestine cause inflammation and intestinal pain and all the symptoms associated with them, such as:
- Gases
- Swelling
- Flatulence
- Intense intestinal cramps
- Bleeding in the stool
- In more severe cases, intestinal obstruction
If you notice any of these symptoms, go to a general practitioner. He will ask you for some analysis that will allow him to identify the possible problems and will refer you to the appropriate specialist.
Pain when urinating
As well as the intestines, the bladder is also found in the region affected by endometriosis and can suffer the same alterations when your menstrual bleeding goes down. You can feel more pain when you urinate, you can even bleed.
In the most severe cases, endometriosis can compromise the ureters, which are the structures that transport urine from the kidneys to the bladder, and can even complicate the kidneys.
Chronic pelvic pain
As it has been explained, the symptoms of endometriosis can involve several organs in the pelvis and develop over many years. With the passage of time, you can go on to feel continuous pain, regardless of menstruation.
This condition is called chronic pelvic pain and it has a great impact on the quality of life of these women, as it interferes with their professional, personal and sexual duties.
Pay attention to the symptoms of endometriosis
Anyway, do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today. If you present some of these symptoms of endometriosis trust your suspicions and seek a treatment. Think that if you let time pass you may find yourself in uncomfortable situations in your daily life.
In addition, your future health can be compromised if today you do not pay attention to the messages that your body sends. Do not settle for treating the initial pain or the first discomfort. It is better to attack the real problem from the beginning and avoid its growth.