10 exercise to reduce belly fat for female at home

exercise to reduce belly fat for female at home

It is true that when you control your diet, you will lose a certain amount of belly fat. However, you will only achieve the desired waist if coupled with your diet. You perform the correct exercises for it with workout application on your phone. It is that to do exercises in the static bicycle is not everything, neither are the sessions of cardio the exercise to reduce belly fat for female at home, to do crunches until more not being able either is not sufficient.

10 exercise to reduce belly fat for female at home

To achieve the ideal size, you must perform the exercises focused on it.

Jump the rope

Jump the rope

Who would have thought! Jumping the line is a great exercise to lose weight because it substantially increases the metabolic rate and the force that is exerted on the waist (it is double active).

When doing this exercise, try to perform more complex movements involving more muscles, such as twisting the waist to the left and the right while jumping.

So that while you are moving forward, you are more comfortable with the exercise and so you can do a more intense exercise routine with the rope, like this one:

  • Jump the rope faster for 40 seconds.
  • Take a break off 15 seconds.
  • Repeat 5 times.
  • Take a 1-minute break.
  • Start again.

This will allow you to burn many calories during training and will also affect burning body fat for several hours after exercise.

Ski turns

Ski turns

The jumping jacks could be a bit boring for some, but they are big fat burners. That’s why we recommend you mix the jumping jacks with ski turns.

With this exercise, you can lose your waist because you would be causing a double effect. Jump and turn left, go back to the center and then turn right going back to the center.

This exercise works the rotation function of the core of the body while burning calories simultaneously.

It is an excellent variant for cardio lovers and is perhaps a little more interesting than the classic jumping jacks.

Hip Thrust

Hip Thrust

If there was no waist routine. What would a figure or feminine form be complete if it is not for the central idea of ​​the hips?

The movements of the hips together with the actions of the bridge of the buttocks and the muscles of the low back strengthen and shape the buttocks, increasing your curves and making your waist look smaller.



These are possibly the best exercises to work and condition the whole body because they work all the muscle groups of the body practically and when you jump up to the work and the effort is more significant, but also the effect is better.

We recommend doing these exercises as part of your metabolic circuit routine or as an interval in high-intensity workouts.

Bodybuilders, elite athletes, and big competitors use these movements to reach a higher potential of their bodies.

Cat movement

Cat movement

Although his name sounds weird, it works. Sometimes extreme measures are necessary to activate the TVA muscles.

To perform these exercises correctly, you must kneel in position four (like a cat) and exhale completely. This forces the abdominals to contract.

From this position, lift your navel towards the spine and hold that position for 10 seconds. Repeat this movement several times.

Be careful to remain breathless; try to maintain a neutral back and neck position.

The vertical elevator of hips

The vertical elevator of hips

This movement activates the TVA muscles, but it is delicate and should be performed correctly as follows.

It requires great flexibility in the hips and hamstrings, but it is definitely worth the effort.

You must form an “L” on your back and raise your legs until your feet are directly above the hips, from this position lift your hips off the ground by pushing your feet up (towards the ceiling).

You must make sure you do the movement without swinging and without flexing your legs.

Side Planks

Side Planks

This movement involves the lateral muscles of the center, especially the internal and external obliques.

This is very different from doing weights that over develop the obliques and cause the loss of the feminine hourglass shape.

With the “side planks,” all you do is strengthen and rationalize the obliques without creating a muscular look.

Surely this is the most popular exercise among athletes. However many do it incorrectly.

To work the central area, you must squeeze the buttocks and keep the body straight while performing the movements.

Contract the buttocks to create a posterior slant of the hips that activates your abdominal muscles to a higher degree.

Do your best not to give up your hip because if you do, this means that you will not get the activation of the nucleus you are looking for.

Swiss ball

Swiss ball

There are many variations when launching the Swiss ball, but the essential exercise starts with the hands on the ball (elbows too).

Hold the board position then roll the ball slightly forward. Hold the position for 3 seconds and then back to its initial position.

The back and forth movement that causes the “up and down” is a fantastic essential exercise, since it exerts a large amount of tension in the abdominals, the obliques and the muscles of the lower back.

Bicycle creaks

Bicycle creaks

By alternating a touch of knee and torso increase, an impulse can be generated that gives a faster rhythm to the pumping of the heart.

The action of the lower body on the upper one means that you are hitting the entire abdominal wall. This movement called “Bike Crunches” has been shown to increase the abs to a higher degree than practically any other essential exercise.

These 10 exercises to reduce belly fat for female at home you are looking for. Now we will tell you some exercises that you should avoid, as they will only be able to stretch your waist more.