What are the best herbs to grow at home? Culinary herbs

What are the best herbs to grow at home

What are the best herbs to grow at home? If you are passionate about cooking, you should not miss a culinary herb garden to plant at home. With your garden of culinary plants, you harvest at the moment, maintaining all the freshness, flavor and aroma of each species.

What are the best herbs to grow at home?

What are the best herbs to grow at home


One of the three essentials in Mediterranean cuisine along with oregano and parsley. Its smell is unmistakable, intense and penetrating. The most common variety is the broadleaf or Genoese basil. Still, different varieties provide other shades of flavor and different colors, such as curly holy basil or Thai basil.


Both its leaves and its flowers are edible. It continuously produces small bulbs that can be separated and have an almost infinite harvest.


Plant it in a staggered way, every several weeks, to have a continuous harvest of coriander, its flavor does not leave anyone indifferent, or you love it or hate it.


It has many applications in the kitchen, with its fresh and intense aroma. The peppermint plant needs a little more humidity than the rest. In a pot, it will grow up to the limits of the container. You will have to control its growth on the ground because if the conditions are there, there is no one to stop it.


Like peppermint, it needs a bit more moisture than the rest of the plants on the list. It has a more minty flavor (pun intended) and is less sweet than peppermint.


Its flavor is more intense dry than in the rest of the plants on the list, essential in a great variety of Mediterranean dishes. Every so often, cut some twigs so that their growth does not get out of control.


An all-terrain culinary herb combines well with many recipes, the most used is the smooth leaf, but there are also those with curly leaves and the Italian giant leaf.


You will always have rosemary leaves on hand, and it requires so little care that it cannot be missing in the culinary plant garden. It grows well indoors and outdoors but needs at least a little sun for proper growth.


It will produce more leaves than you have time to consume, so you will have sage for everyone! In addition, its flowering is so beautiful that you will be glad you sowed it.


Its intense aroma will be noticed with just a breeze. It needs a lot of suns to grow healthy and with its delicious smell. It will take a little longer than the rest to grow (it germinates around a month), but it is worth it.

Read more: Tricks for growing peppers from scraps in your garden

How much space do I need for a culinary herb garden?

You can have all the plants in pots or planters, either on the terrace, the patio or in sunny windows, which will also be perfectly decorated. If you have the opportunity, you can also place the plants outside. A small space where it receives the sun’s rays during some hours of the day is enough.

If you plant the plants in the garden, we recommend doing it near the kitchen to not have to take many trips and in a place with several hours of sun. You can grow just the culinary plants or combine them with some small ones or flowers.

Benefits of planting culinary herbs at home

  • The first reason that comes to mind when we think of growing culinary plants at home is the ease of having them on hand when you need them.
  • Your culinary herbs are always fresh to cut and cook and continue to grow when you need them again.
  • It is easy to grow your culinary plants that it is more profitable to plant and grow them at home than to buy them dried or fresh from the market.

Growing systems in the kitchen

One of the most comfortable options for growing culinary herbs in the kitchen is using a hydroponic cultivation system. With it you only have to sow the seeds and the system is responsible for circulating the water with liquid fertilizer and for LED lighting (with the advantage that it can be grown in a kitchen without light).

This G-Taste is our favorite. It is the most complete and allows sowing in 12 holes at the same time. If you do the staggered planting, 4 holes the first month, 4 the second and 4 the third, you will always have herbs available to harvest instead to collect them all at once.

An important aspect, the led light covers the entire space and can be adjusted in height. Aesthetically it looks great, in addition to being able to adapt to the height of the plants.