The low budget modern 3 bedroom house design

low budget modern 3 bedroom house design

Modern homes are one of the most popular home designs in Australia. The modern style has been around for a long time, but it’s still quite popular because it can be used in a variety of spaces and with many different styles. So, if you’re considering building or renovating a house that is modern in nature, here are some tips on how to make sure your budget doesn’t get out of hand:

Modern house roof design

For the roof, you can go for a flat or sloped one. You can also consider adding a deck or patio to your house design as it will make your living space more versatile.

low budget modern 3 bedroom house design

The roof of your house should be made of material that is weatherproof and durable. You can choose from different types of materials such as asphalt shingles and clay tiles depending on what fits with your budget and style. A single slope is simple yet elegant; however, multiple slopes provide you with more options in designing different roofs with varying angles

Modern house elevation

Modern house elevation is the most common design in this budget. It is easy to build and it has a good ventilation system. It also has a good space allocation for each room, which makes it suitable for family living. The best thing about this type of design is that it saves you money on designing materials because you don’t have to redesign your house every time you want to change something in your home or add more rooms or bathrooms. You can simply add them wherever there’s an empty space left over on the ground plan.

Two storey house design with floor plan

You can divide a 3 bedroom house design into two floors. The ground floor consists of a kitchen, dining room and a bathroom. The first floor is a bedroom and a living room. This type of design has an open plan for both the ground and first floors. You can use this concept for your own home to save money on construction costs or if you want to make use of the available space in your backyard more efficiently than by constructing one big building on it instead.

This particular 3 bedroom house design is built on a rectangular plot with dimensions 11m x 24m (35ft x 80ft). The total area covered by this house will be 248 square meters (2,700 sq ft), which includes all internal rooms as well as external areas such as porches etcetera

interior designs for 3 bedroom houses

But, if you are designing your own home, it’s not too difficult to add a few extra square feet here and there. One way is by creating an open floor plan that allows more room for entertaining guests or getting your family together. Another way is to use built-ins like cabinetry or shelving units to create more storage space within smaller rooms.

#3 bedroom house interior design

If you want a small house but still want it to look spacious and modern, consider using different types of materials in each room so they don’t feel all the same. For example, use hardwood floors in the living room and kitchen but carpeting in bedrooms. This will help make each area feel distinct without having to sacrifice good design ideas altogether!

If you want to build a modern home, these changes can help a lot.

If you want cost is a major concern, then you can do the following things to make your house as modern as possible:

  • Use steel trusses if possible, or at least use concrete beams instead of wooden ones. The cost difference between wood and concrete is huge, so going for the latter will save you a lot of money. Moreover, it’s more durable (if properly constructed) and lasts longer than wood does;
  • Instead of using brick/stone for making your home look modern and contemporary in style, use cement blocks instead; this will help reduce costs even more.


We hope that we have helped you to choose the best design for your house. Remember, it is not only about the exterior but also interior design that can make or break your home.