For those who want to use home methods of teeth whitening, activated charcoal is excellent. This method has been known since the earliest times, it is safe, inexpensive and generally available. Very many people who used in their home teeth whitening with an activated charcoal note the high efficiency and simplicity of this method. Positive results are visible after the first procedure, and if you repeat the cleansing regularly, you can achieve a very pronounced whitening effect.
It is also worth noting that, unlike other popular non-professional products, such as, for example, soda or hydrogen peroxide, activated charcoal does not lead to negative consequences in the form of gum disease or thinning of tooth enamel. Even if you swallow a drug, as sometimes recommended in a dream book about teeth, then no time will be applied to your body, on the contrary, coal helps purify the stomach and intestines from harmful substances.
How to whiten teeth with activated charcoal
To begin with, you should prepare a whitening composition by dissolving two tablets of coal in a small amount of water. The composition is burnt to obtain a mute viscous consistency, similar to toothpaste because water is required very little. Just drop a few drops into a glass or ceramic container and add the crushed coal there.
In the resulting composition, dip your toothbrush and brush your teeth for two minutes with charcoal toothpaste. Rinse your mouth with water and repeat the procedure. Try to carefully remove all the remains of coal from the interdental spaces. Activated charcoal is practically tasteless and the procedure does not cause any negative sensations.
You can also just chew a tablet of coal, and then brush your teeth with a brush and paste or on top of toothpaste, pour coal powder into powder and brush your teeth with such a mixture.
Activated charcoal has a slight abrasive effect, and after a third of the procedure, you will feel your teeth scratching without a persistent plaque, which is not removed during normal hygienic cleaning. A similar effect is observed after occupational hygiene of the oral cavity.
What to look for?
When preparing a coal “paste”, try to achieve a uniform consistency. If you leave large pieces, when cleaning you can scratch the tooth enamel or injure the gums.
However, dentists in Stafford state that the bleaching procedure should be performed no more than once every seven to ten days (this depends on the condition of your enamel and the sensitivity of the teeth). Despite the fact that coal is a neutral enough substance, it still abrades enamel when used frequently due to the abrasive effect.
Teeth whitening with activated charcoal was used by our great-grandmothers. However, then they used ordinary ash and then rinsed the mouth with the purest spring water. This procedure not only provided a radiant smile but also strengthened the teeth.
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