What is the Use of Milk of Magnesia? Incredible Benefits

use of milk of magnesia

We know that milk is good for our body. It helps us strengthen bones and even improve our skin. Today, many people are lactose intolerant. For this or other reasons, choose to take other types of vegetable milk. However, milk of magnesia is none of this, even if it is called like that. Actually, it is the commercial name of what it really is: magnesium hydroxide.

Its appearance is white and liquid, very similar to milk. So, it has been given this name. It is soluble in water and has many beneficial uses for the body. Special care must be taken in certain circumstances. In this article, we tell you what magnesia milk is for and what its uses are.

Benefits of milk of magnesia

use of milk of magnesia

Magnesia milk: laxative

Milk of magnesia is an excellent laxative. Now, precisely because of this we must be careful in the amounts that are taken. What it does is that it transports water to the intestines and this improves the bowel movement. It is good for those people who suffer from constipation. Although, as we have said, it is better to use it with caution. You should not abuse the milk of magnesia as a laxative. Better to take it in short periods of time. Since if you use it for a long time your colon could get used to it and become dependent on it for its functioning.

Children can also take it, although it is always advisable to consult with the doctor. And never under 6 years, unless recommended by a doctor explicitly.

The dose for this case would be in adults and children over 12 years of two to four tablespoons once a day. The best thing in the case of laxatives. Also in the milk of magnesia is to take it at bedtime. Because in this way while we sleep we do not eat food and the intestines do their job with the milk of magnesia. The next morning it is more likely to go to the bathroom.

If we give it to children between 6 to 11 years, we must reduce the dose to one or two tablespoons once a day.


In addition to constipation, milk of magnesia is very good in general for the digestive system. It is also a powerful antacid. So, it can be of great help to people who have a tendency to heartburn or gastric reflux.

use of milk of magnesia

It is considered a local action antacid. The magnesium hydroxide reacts with the hydrochloric acid in the stomach. In this way, neutralizes the acidity and improves the pH of the stomach contents. Therefore, it is recommended for the relief of heartburn, indigestion, gastric reflux or discomfort of this type related to an increase in acidity.

To use it as the antacid, you should take a spoonful half an hour after meals when you feel discomfort. But remember that it is also laxative, so you should not abuse and always be careful with the dose.

Benefits of magnesia milk for the skin

use of milk of magnesia

Milk of magnesia not only has properties for the interior of our body but also for the skin and as a beauty treatment. It is a good ally for those people who have the seborrheic tendency or oily skin. Since the milk of magnesia can counteract it. And not only the fat is it good to eliminate those happy black spots that we hate so much. It has an antibacterial effect very beneficial for our skin.

It can also help you prevent, diminish or even eliminate certain skin blemishes.

In addition, it can cure minor wounds because it removes bacteria from the skin and has a high zinc content. It helps to heal.

Diaper rash

The use of the diaper in babies can produce redness in the inguinal area. Because it is in constant friction, it could even cause dermatitis. Instead of using a cream for this area, you can replace it with the milk of magnesia. It can greatly ease the baby and make him feel more comfortable. In addition, it will help to treat it little by little.

Another case that can solve the milk of magnesia is inguinal ringworm that occurs not only in babies but also in adults. It is a fungus that occurs in this area since the milk of magnesia eliminates bacteria can be a good remedy.

Effects of magnesium in our body

Magnesium is a very important natural mineral in our body. For example, it is indispensable for nutrition. In addition, it is necessary for many of the chemical reactions that they produce in our body. It is necessary for muscles and nerves, for the immune system, bones or even the heart.

use of milk of magnesia

Some of the benefits of magnesium in our body are:

  • It helps the muscles relax.
  • Prevents some types of arrhythmias.
  • Balance states of anxiety, depression or stress.
  • It improves insomnia.
  • It helps to improve collagen, which improves some ailments of bones, tendons, and cartilages.
  • It is very good for the absorption of calcium.
  • In addition, it improves breathing and asthma or bronchial problems.
  • What is the use of milk of magnesia and what are its uses?
  • As we have seen, magnesium is important for the body and can help in the functioning of this. Therefore, drinking the milk of magnesia can be very beneficial.

Contraindications of milk of magnesia

In addition to knowing what magnesia milk is for and what its properties are, it is important to know what contraindications it has. It can be easily purchased in pharmacies and should not be taken lightly. Although it has many beneficial effects, as we have seen. We must take special care at certain times. Also, you should not exceed the recommended doses in each case.

use of milk of magnesia

Milk of magnesia can block the absorption of iron and folic acid. That can generate a deficiency of these and cause anemia. People who already have this condition should avoid taking it.

You also have to be careful with pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding. It is better to consult the doctor before starting to take it.

People with kidney disease or kidney failure should also take care of the intake of milk of magnesia. And, above all, if you have a diet with magnesium restriction.

In the case of its topical use

It must be borne in mind that the milk of magnesia controls the fat. But precisely because it dries it. Therefore, it can produce too much dryness in some people. It should not be applied excessively and should be avoided if you have dry skin. It is best used in people with fat or seborrheic problems. Use it two or three times a week at the most.