How to Stop Night Sweat Effectively? Discover The Answer

how to stop night sweat effectively?

Do you sweat a lot while you sleep? Although the night sweat may be the result of very warm sleep, heat or humidity of the environment. The fact is that it is also possible that it is a symptom of a health problem or condition that must be treated medically. And is that when night sweating is excessive and you suffer from what is known as hyperhidrosis.

It is important to pay attention and go to the doctor. It could be a result of diseases or very diverse conditions. Also from menopause or hormonal changes to sleep disorders, psychological problems, metabolic diseases, autoimmune disorders, infections, etc.

The night sweating can get to hinder the rest of the affected person and cause the next day to be excessively fatigued or tired. Why I am so sleepy, continue reading this article of healthy flat in which we explain it how to stop night sweat effectively.

Why night sweat happens while we sleep?

how to stop night sweat effectively?

The night sweat sometimes does not constitute an alarm signal and are due to some external factors. As we will see below.

First of all, it is necessary to clarify that during the night the body temperature decreases. It indicates that it is the moment destined to rest and maintain the energy. That allows that the muscles and tissues are repaired and the body recovers from everything the work was done during the day. If in this situation of rest, what happens is that the body temperature increases and it does not adjust for the time of sleep.

It is possible that one begins to sweat to regulate the own temperature of the body. Therefore, it is not necessary to be alarmed. This is what happens also when we have fear or nightmares. It can make us sweat and in response to it. Our sweat glands are activated to help cool the body.

In addition to the normal process of transpiration of the body. There are some external factors that can cause us to sweat while we sleep. And that should be taken into account before being alarmed. These can be the following:

  • The ambient temperature of the room in which we sleep.
  • Humidity.
  • Sleep very warm or with a lot of bedding.
  • Rest on a mattress too soft and composed of acrylic fabrics.

However, when night sweating is excessive (hyperhidrosis). And it is often accompanied by other types of symptoms, it is important to pay attention and find out what is the exact cause. As it could be a consequence of some type of disorder or illness that require medical attention. As we will show below, the causes that can answer the question of why I am so sleeping are very diverse.

Night sweat in menopause

how to stop night sweat effectively?

During the stages of perimenopause and menopause, it is very likely to suffer from sudden night sweat. These are caused by the decrease of estrogen in the female body. It causes the body temperature to rise considerably. In addition to sweating, the woman usually experiences a great sensation of heat that goes from the thorax to the neck and face. That can be accompanied by other symptoms such as red skin, dizziness, and headache.

This decrease in estrogen levels can also cause other symptoms such as problems in the urinary tract, weaker bones, weight gain, vaginal dryness, fatigue, sleep disorders, psychological disorders, etc.

Likewise, hormonal changes that occur in a woman’s body during the periodical cycle can also cause sweating at night.

Night sweat for anxiety

how to stop night sweat effectively?

The anxiety is the many psychic and emotional symptoms. It provokes in the person who suffers it, can also give rise to a series of physical symptoms. Among which are the night sweat. And is that night sweating becomes one more method of the body to be free of all the stress, tension, worry, and nervousness?

In cases of anxiety, excessive sweating at night may be accompanied by hot flashes, nightmares and sleep disorders such as insomnia. If we are not able to control anxiety for ourselves. It is important that we put ourselves in the hands of a specialist to help us channel all tensions and teach us the relaxation techniques. That will allow us to overcome this situation and achieve well-being. Physical and mental.

Sweating sleeping for sleep apnea

how to stop night sweat effectively?

The sleep apnea is a chronic sleep disorder. It characterized by the termination of breathing for a short time while the victim is sleeping. The airways become blocked and a great sensation of suffocation is generated, which makes night rest difficult or impossible.

That cessation of breathing is usually accompanied by other symptoms, among which are night sweat, intense and constant snoring, drowsiness, fatigue, irritability, headache, dry mouth upon awakening, etc. Given these symptoms or the suspicion of having sleep apnea, it is essential to put yourself in the hands of a doctor to avoid serious complications, such as heart problems.

Other diseases that can cause excessive night sweat

In addition to the causes of previous night sweat, there are other types of diseases that can also cause the person suffering from sweating while sleeping. Among these, are the following?

  • Autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Infectious diseases, such as influenza, AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria.
  • Neurological diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, stroke, epilepsy.
  • Metabolic diseases, such as diabetes or hyperthyroidism.
  • Other causes of sweating while we sleep.
  • Consumption of some medications. Such as antidepressants, hormonal compounds or drugs to lower blood glucose levels.
  • Consume alcohol or drugs before sleeping.
  • Eat large amounts of food before bed, as well as eating spicy food, as this can increase the body temperature.
  • Drink caffeine before sleeping.

Tips to stop night sweat

If you suffer from excessive night sweating and you do not know the cause. It is best to consult your doctor and inform him if you have any other symptoms. Because depending on the originating factor, one treatment or another should be followed.

how to stop night sweat effectively?

To try to stop sweating at night and relieve night sweat when it appears, you can put into practice the recommendations that we detail below:

  • Try to maintain a good temperature in the room and ventilate the room daily.
  • It uses wide and breathable clothes to sleep.
  • Stay hydrated throughout the day and have a bottle of water on hand next to the bed to hydrate and refresh at night if you need it.
  • Watch your diet and avoid the consumption of foods that increase body temperature. Such as very hot foods, very spicy foods, those that are rich in iodine, alcohol, and caffeine. In contrast, soy, foods with vitamin E and those that contain iron are good options to reduce excessive sweating.
  • Take a bath or a shower of warm water before going to sleep.
  • Do physical exercise every day and preferably in the late afternoon.
  • Reduce daily stress by carrying out activities that help you relax.
  • Watch your weight and reduce it if necessary, with the help of a professional nutritionist.
  • There are natural products that are excellent to combat the problem of sweating a lot, discover them all in the article Home Remedies for excessive sweating.


This article about how to stop night sweat is purely informative. We do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any kind of diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.