How to Get Up Early: Tips for Waking up with More Energy

How to Get Up Early

Getting up early is undoubtedly one of the most popular purposes among most people. It is also one of the most difficult to maintain. So, it is necessary to know how to get up early. It is one of the first habits that we must acquire if we want to generate important changes in our life. Do not start the day with stress and get running to work. Have a better breakfast or do some sports in the morning. For all these purposes and many more, the first thing we have to do is get up earlier in the morning.

How to get up early with full of energy?

A proverb goes that “Early to bed and early to rise; Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” Wake up in the early morning is essential for our healthy living. Follow the tips we described below to wake up with more energy and start a fresh day.



The necessary thing is to find the motivation to convince yourself that you want to get up earlier. Think about why you do it and what you will achieve. More time to do things, more energy, have a quiet breakfast. Use it to motivate you.

You must train your willpower to fight against that little inner voice that says “stay 5 minutes more”. The trick is not to listen to it, or if you listen to it, think that it’s not you, that you want something else.

I think the gesture of getting out of bed, costs the same 15 minutes before then, the same! So why delay it? We will only be able to feel worse with ourselves for not having fulfilled our purpose.

If you forget your motivation easily, you can put reminders. Name the alarms in the mobile: “Be healthier and more handsome!”, “Get an outstanding,” “Get more customers!” or “Today is a special day.” Or leave notes on the bedside table, mirror in the bathroom or even in the fridge. They will help you always keep your goal in mind.



You can not pretend to go to bed at 12 or 1 in the morning and get up at 6. You have to try to go to bed a little earlier. Think that normally the last hours of the day are the least productive since the mind is tired of the whole day. If you go to sleep before, you probably take time away from the television or social networks and change it for the productive time that you will earn in the morning. When you see how clear your mind is in the morning, and the energy you have after breakfast to do productive things, you will be motivated to continue doing it.

Of course, some people are more inspired to work at night and prefer to go late doing something productive. Everyone has to look for their best moment.



To help you fall asleep more easily, it is good to have a nightly routine. Dine lightly and at least 1 hour before bedtime will facilitate sleep.

It is also advisable not to use electronic devices for a while before going to bed, so the body is “disconnected” and then it is easier to fall asleep.

It is best to read a while in bed. Take the opportunity to read that book that you never have time and will give you much more than C roasted at first sight.

Begin step by step


If you usually get up at 8, pretending to wake up suddenly at 6 in the morning, it will be very difficult. Maybe the first day you do it, but you will be very tired, and the next days your body will ask you to return to the schedule you are used to.

To strengthen the habit well, it is best to go little by little. The first day set the alarm 15 minutes before, the second day, repeat 15 or go up to 20 minutes. And so on until you reach the time you want to get up.

The first few days you should try to do it even on weekends, to get used to it, then you can allow yourself to fail some day.

Open window


During the first week in San Diego, we suffered a lot from the Jet Lag and woke up at 5 in the morning. Our body was used to the schedule of Spain. We have already been doing this time zone, but even so, we wake up every day about 7 without much effort. And one of the most important causes is that there are no blinds here and the light enters through the window since dawn.

When you sleep, the body secretes melatonin, the sleep hormone. Sunlight interrupts this production, so the body begins to wake up alone without you noticing, and in a natural and relaxed way.

When dawn is early it is easy to do it; the problem occurs when you have to wake up before dawn, in winter for example. For this the solar alarm clock works, which simulates the sunrise from a half hour before the scheduled time.

We in Madrid had one that we love. It illuminates the entire room like sunrise and also has relaxing sounds like water and birds. Nothing to do with the classic biipp biippp!

stay motivated


It is not good to get up running and in a hurry, give yourself a few minutes to wake up calmly and see little by little finding that motivation necessary to jump out of bed.

Think of your goals, put on the radio or a song that you like happy and moved, and you will see how your mood changes completely. You can even dance!

Seeing motivating phrases also helps. A phrase that we had in the Madrid flat right on the wall in front of the bed was:

Another very good habit in the morning is to spend a few minutes in bed to thank you for what you have. Thinking 3 good things helps you to put yourself in an attitude of gratitude, and you will leave home with a smile that is easier to face the rest of the day.



Endorphins!! What better way to start the day than with these hormones of happiness. You will activate your body, and you will have extra energy and motivation for the rest of the day.

Exercise not only makes you think better, be healthier and happier (scientifically proven), it also helps you to prevent and combat stress.

You do not have to run for an hour or go to the gym. Even a small morning routine of 10 minutes is enough. Can you do:

Stretches, push-ups, sit-ups, squats, triceps, … Yoga routines of static stretching or dynamic movements like the sun salutation.

take good breakfast


The first thing our body needs after 7 or 8 hours sleeping is to recover nutrients. Take your time for a well-balanced breakfast, and you will start the day with enough energy to face any challenge. Important to include proteins in your diet.

Our breakfasts are usually composed of orange juice (natural if possible), toast with oil and turkey, or banana omelet, or banana milkshakes, milk, oatmeal, and protein.

Also, having a good breakfast helps maintain your weight, since it prevents you from constantly eating throughout the day.

Create a routine, and you will be looking forward to breakfast every morning. There’s nothing like having time in the morning to prepare your weekend breakfast.

While you have breakfast, take the time to review your to-do list, listen to inspirational podcasts from Bloggers that you follow, or do nothing and enjoy breakfast practicing mindfulness.

Look! Do not make the mistake of the confusing project with the task. If you intend to face a very complex task, you probably end up procrastinating because you do not know where to start. A task is something concrete, defined, that you can start and finish in a period not very long. If you have this clear and you learn to divide projects into concrete tasks you will be more productive.

When you see that you have finished your important task and you still have the whole day ahead, you will feel great.

Waking up before in the morning has a lot of benefits. According to studies, early risers are more proactive, anticipate problems and plan better than people who wake up later.

Having more productive time to advance your goals, exercise, or be with family and friends, it’s worth it. Here we share our video where you can see and hear these points more conveniently. We would love you to leave us your comments, have these tips worked for you? Or which others apply to help you get up early and motivated?