Hardwood flooring needs to be kept scratch free

When considering flooring options, more and more people are favouring hardwood over carpet. Although the initial outlay is usually more, hardwood flooring is generally regarded as a longer-lasting option that can be refinished many times to complete the look. Hardwood flooring is also thought to alleviate allergies. So what are you waiting for?  Get rid of the carpet by ripping it up from around your house and get a Carmarthen skip hire at sites like pendragonskiphire.co.uk/carmarthen-skip-hire/

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One problem with hardwood, tiled or vinyl flooring is that it is prone to scratching from pets, heels or furniture. Bona offers lots of preventative advice on how to avoid scratching hardwood flooring, such as trimming your pets’ claws, removing shoes or using rugs in high-traffic areas. What can you do if the damage has already been done? In this article, we explore some simple hacks for removing scratches from a variety of flooring using inexpensive household items. These easy solutions will remove or disguise scratches and bring your flooring back to its former glory.

Ceramic or tiled flooring

Ceramic flooring is a popular choice in bathrooms and kitchens, and it turns out that one staple bathroom item can help repair scratches. Using toothpaste as a filling agent in scratches on ceramic or tiled flooring can yield fabulous results. Simply clean the area using white vinegar, fill the crack with toothpaste and allow it to dry, then sand the area down and seal it with a urethane coating.

Laminated wood and hardwood

Remove scratches in this popular type of flooring by cleaning the area, then working car wax or the wax from a brown crayon into the scratch with a lint-free cloth. Leave it to stand for ten minutes, then buff away. For deep scratches, you can use the same method but use wood filler followed by wood stain to fill the gap and treat the area. After that, you’ll need to seal with a lacquer. Protective, adhesive flooring pads are also a great preventative tool to use on this type of flooring and are designed to go under the legs of furniture such as chairs and tables so they don’t cause any damage to the floor when they are moved.


Cork is an eco-friendly flooring option that is growing in popularity. It is a great soundproof solution for families with pets and kids, but it can be prone to scratching. Use wood filler and stain it once again to fill the gaps, then seal with urethane.