When is a build over agreement needed?

What is a build over agreement?

A build over agreement is a written contract between you, the landowner and the sewerage provider to your land. It signifies that you understand your obligation to ensure that sewers are accessible and not impacted by any building developments taking place near or on your land.

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When would I need a build over agreement?

A build over agreement is required if you intend to build within 1 metre of a public lateral drain or within 3 metres of a public sewer.

According to Water UK, there is a vast network of just under 450,000 km of sewer pipes running underground across England and Wales. These run under streets and roads, gardens and land.

Signs that there are pipes within your property boundary include manhole covers and inspection covers but even when these do not exist it is still very possible that there are sewer pipes underground nearby. A drainage specialist can conduct a survey to ascertain the size and the location of any public pipes and drains within your property boundary.

A build over agreement ensures that the sewerage provider can still access the pipe network in order to maintain and repair the pipes. It is important that this document is acquired before commencing any new building works on your property.

It is worth noting, however, that any drains within your property are the responsibility of the property owner. These are the pipes that take the wastewater away from buildings on your land and lead it to the public lateral drains and sewers.

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If these private pipes need replacement or maintenance, you will want to source a company to carry out the work for you. The repair of sewer pipe lining Wolverhampton should be discussed with a reputable company that specialises in such work.

In summary, a build over agreement is an important part of the joint responsibility we all share to contribute to the effective management of our sewer network. Ensure that expert advice is sought if maintenance to sewer pipe lining in Wolverhampton is required.