Watch out for these conveyancing myths

For most of us, buying a property is something we will do only a handful of times in our lives. So, it is little wonder the whole conveyancing process can be a little unfamiliar. There are certain myths that often surround conveyancing and conveyancers but being influenced by these could have a big impact on your experience. Here are some common conveyancing myths to look out for.

Myth- The cheapest is the best option

The cost of conveyancing can vary from conveyancer to conveyancer, although according to the HomeOwners Alliance, you can expect to pay anywhere between £300 and £1,500. The cheapest option is not always the best. Always do your research about a potential conveyancer and pay particular attention to reviews of their service. Legal matters are important, so look for good quality service, rather than the cheapest.

Myth: You should always use a local solicitor

The location of your conveyancing solicitor is entirely up to you, depending on how you feel and how you prefer to do business. In this digital age, having a local solicitor is certainly not a necessity, freeing you up to find a deal that suits you best. However, some may still prefer a local solicitor. For example, if you live in Maidstone and prefer to do business face-to-face you may want to look for a conveyancing solicitors Maidstone – even if an online offer may be cheaper. This will help to remove some of the stress that can be associated with the conveyancing process. In this case, the choice is yours.

Myth- You should use the conveyancing solicitor recommended by an estate agent

Always remember that estate agents will be working on behalf of a seller, not a buyer, and may also get a referral fee from the conveyancer. You are under no obligation to go with the solicitor recommended by an estate agent. The most important thing is to find one you trust, are comfortable with and who is transparent about fees and charges.

Myth- Your conveyancing solicitor will organise a house survey

Do not expect your solicitor to carry out a house survey on your behalf- this is not part of their remit. Buyers who choose to have a full house survey completed on a property need to organise it themselves.

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Myth- Conveyancing solicitors are hard to get hold of

A good conveyancing solicitor should not be difficult to communicate with. While the whole process can take several weeks, you should expect to be kept up to date with details. Decide beforehand how you are going to communicate with them, whether by phone, text or email. Make sure you too are communicative and responsive when they call in order to create a good working relationship.

Myth- Conveyancing is a very long and drawn-out process

Yes, conveyancing can sometimes be a lengthy process, but this is not always the case.

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Choosing a reliable and accredited conveyancer, such as Sam Conveyancing, can help to ensure a smooth process. Provided that there are no complications or problems along the way, conveyancing can often be completed within 12 to 14 weeks.

These are just some of the most common myths surrounding conveyancing. However, by doing your research and choosing a reputable conveyancer you can trust will help the process run more smoothly.