No-one looks forward to the moment that they need to sit down asn have a conversation with the pre-teen about the tchanges that their bodies are going to go through during puberty. It can be an embarrassing time for parents and children alike particular if you aren’t really sure how to go about starting the conversation. It is incredibly important that young adults feel they can come to their parents to talk about any body issues, emotional issues or sexual problems that they may have and to feel that they will be understood and made to feel safe.
It is one of the reasons that Chlamydia testing kits Bexley companies such as who provide home testing kits are so successful in the young adult age range. Their test are completed at home without the embarrassment of having to attend a doctors appointment. Hopefully any conversation that you have with your teenager will mean that they make safe choices when it comes to sexual relationships but it is better that they are informed about the options available to them should they feel that they may have put themselves at risk of a sexually transmitted infection.
There are some things that you can do to help these conversation go smoothly.
- Try to contain your embarrassment
This is particaulrly important when talking to your teeanger about changes to thier bodies and feelings and safe sex. All parents like to think of their child as forever innocent but the reality is that they grow up very quickly. The more you can stay relax and answer any questions that you child has with age appropriate honesty the more they will feel like they are being heard and understood. There are many books and websites dedicated to these topics that can help you find the right approach.
- Working up to the conversation
One of the worst ways to approach these kinds of sensitive subjects is to appear as those you have randomly started talking about it. If you can find a post that has maybe been shared on social media or a topic that your child is research at school that helps you to strike up a natural conversation. This should be very easy to arrange as body image and teenage life is always in the media somewhere.
- Do not pressure them into talking
It is important that you follow your child’s lead and assess their comfort levels. If you find that they are become very uncomfortable you should move away from the topic and try again at another point. If they want to steer the conversation in a particular way then let them.