How To Take Care Of Your Canine Friend

A canine friend can do wonders for your family and home. Not only will you have a new companion to brighten up those days where stress and responsibilities take their toll on you, but simply having a dog around the house can help you learn about taking care of someone else.

Just as a dog provides companionship, they also need love and case too and here are some ways you can ensure your friend receives all the love they deserve:

Companionship for your companion

Dogs are social creatures. Larger and more active dogs especially crave companionship, so keeping them in a doghouse or a small, fenced yard may not be a great idea. Don’t leave them outside for too long though and make sure they spend most of their time playing with the family or simply close to their presence.

Spray or neuter your dog

Spraying or neutering your dog not only helps reduce pet population but can also help your dog live longer and healthier lives as well as quell any behavior problems.

Regular check-ups with a veterinarian

You can find veterinarians by asking your local animal shelter or a friend or relative with pets for a referral. Make sure you read up and see what your options are before choosing one.

Regular checkups ensure that your canine companion is in their tip-top shape and spot any abnormalities in their health as early as possible. For example, being told that your companion has developed cancer can be one of the most terrifying possibilities but spotting this early and noting the symptoms can help treat your companion as early as possible.

This condition is especially common among older dogs but can strike dogs at any age. There are certainly many holistic cancer treatment for dogs available, and this includes electrochemotherapy, Chinese veterinary medicine and hyperbaric therapy among others.

Cancer in dogs is more treatable the earlier you spot it, and symptoms such as difficulty in urinating/defecating, swelling, bad breath, unexplained lameness and loss of appetite are a few symptoms you need to look out for.

Freshwater and balanced diet

A good idea might be to ask your veterinarian for advice on what to feed your companion as this can change the older they get. This also includes teeth check-ups to clean and monitor them to ensure that the dog can eat properly.

Note down any foods and plants that can be toxic or poisonous to your curious companion and always keep an eye out on what they chew on when out and about.

Physically fit, but not exhausted

Not only will walking your dog keep you both fit, but the mere act of walking and getting in touch with nature can do wonders for your mental health. Spending time together can help your companion’s wellbeing and cement the bond you both have.

These are only a few ways you can ensure your canine companion is happy and healthy. Make sure you consult your vet on the best way to care for your dog and schedule regular check-ups to monitor their health and well-being.