A guide to choosing wood flooring

One of the many great things about wood flooring is its ability to look amazing and meet all your needs in pretty much every property, from well established or period places to brand new builds.

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Making the decision

Wanting to install wood flooring is the easy part of the process, but with so many types on offer, it’s best to consider all the options and evaluate them based on practicality, budget and personal taste. Let’s look in more detail at the main types of wood flooring available.


Generally made from oak, maple, walnut or cherry trees, hardwood floors are at the top end of the price range, but also very durable and hard-wearing. A good choice for spaces with a lot of traffic, such as hallways, but they don’t do well in bathrooms and kitchens due to the moisture. Always keep your plans for home décor in mind when choosing hardwood floors, as furnishings will need to be worked around the colour and depth of the wood’s finish. Overall a decent choice for very busy households which are able to make a more substantial investment in flooring, and happy to choose décor to complement the wood.

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Engineered wood

Generally made from multiple layers of plywood and finished with a layer of natural wood, this may not be 100% authentic but it is very stable – http://www.idealhome.co.uk/dining-room/wood-flooring-the-essential-guide_1-74231. The top layer also supplies that attractive rustic look of wooden floors, complete with knots and uneven tones. Engineered wood floors are more robust in humid conditions than hard or soft wood floors, but are still not a great choice for bathrooms.

Laminate flooring

The most affordable option, laminate wood floors feature a photograph of wood manufactured onto a piece of plastic, which in turn is laminated onto strong fibre-board. Buy from a good quality supplier such as https://www.woodfloorwarehouse.ie/laminate-flooring.html for a high-end look which is both hard-wearing and extremely realistic. You can lay laminate anywhere in the house, but in bathrooms opt for the water-resistant fiber-board type over those made from chipboard.

Softer woods

Pine and beech are popular softwoods, being equally attractive but also cheaper than hardwoods. They can also be easily painted. They do need more attention though as both are scratch prone, and they are best avoided for bathroom floors due to the risk of warping.