Keep your home secure

Whilst we would much rather spend time renovating and decorating our homes, it’s important to think about security before anything else. A beautiful home won’t feel welcoming and relaxing once you know a burglar has walked through it!


More than a third of burglars are able to simply stroll right into a property. Inspect your exterior doors to see if the frames are still strong, the hinges are in good order and that any letterboxes don’t allow someone to reach in and unlock the door. If you find any weaknesses, consider installing a deadbolt, a strike plate, smart locks and a video doorbell.

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Window locks

The most common entry points for burglars are doors and windows. The latches that are supplied by window manufacturers are not always the most effective, so you can toughen up security with additional locks. Other steps you can take include reinforcing windows with security film, fitting glass break sensors and installing a window bar.

Security system

Depending on your budget, there are numerous options available, from full home automation to a DIY system. There might be monthly costs to consider if you choose a monitored system that alerts police. At the very least, you should consider installing security cameras at the front and rear of your property. For Integrated security solutions, go to

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Home Automation

A smart home can be an excellent choice for the security-conscious. It provides remote control over locks, lights, cameras and other devices. It gives you real-time alerts, enabling you to react quickly to prevent potential crime. A smart system allows you to turn lights and the TV on at scheduled times, useful when you’re away on holiday.