Why tongue pain happens and how to cure it?

Why tongue pain

Although sometimes we are not aware of it, the tongue is one of the organs to which we give more use throughout the day. We use it to eat and drink, to talk and it also helps to keep the mouth hydrated. However, when a problem appears in her, it is when her presence becomes more noticeable. The sore tongue is not a very common condition and is likely to suffer who start worrying about what it might mean. Activated charcoal is also good for the tongue. Here we will explain why tongue pain and how to alleviate this discomfort.

Why tongue pain?

why tongue pain

There are several causes why pain may appear on the tongue. So to facilitate the task of seeking an explanation for this discomfort, those that appear most frequently have been selected. Keep reading: Five Techniques On Getting Rid Of Acne Marks Rapid – Guaranteed!

When trying to discern the cause for which the tongue hurts, we must take into account if it hurts the whole language or only a part, if other symptoms accompany the pain or if something has happened that could have triggered it.



This disease consists of an inflammation of the tongue that, in addition to causing pain, also causes it to show a reddish color and a smoothed surface.

There are several reasons why glossitis appears: an allergic reaction, oral herpes or a decrease in the level of iron in the blood are some of them.



Accidentally and especially at lunchtime, it is common for tongue bites to occur, especially on the sides, which may or may not bleed. Sometimes, these bites are not noticeable until they start to hurt when you eat or drink again.

Usually, these bites occur when you eat too quickly or when too large foods are put in your mouth that makes it difficult to chew. They can also be caused by poorly fitting dentures such as orthodontics or denture.

Black tongue

Black tongue

It is believed that the tongue acquires that black hue due to the taking of certain antibiotics, especially those focused on unusual infections. It can also be due to the hairy black tongue, acquired due to lack of hygiene. Although color and pain can be quite impressive, it is not a serious symptom and can be resolved by consulting with the doctor and changing the medication.

Tongue infections

Tongue infections

There are several types of infections that can cause painful diseases in the tongue. These infections can be caused by viruses, as in the case of herpes, by bacteria, such as scarlet fever, or by fungi, such as oral lichen planus. Some are related to sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis.

Canker sores on the tongue

Canker sores on the tongue

Canker sores are quite common. These are small white lesions surrounded by red that appear on the tongue and are very painful especially when talking and eating. They are not contagious and usually disappear on their own within a few days.

The causes of canker sores are not known in the mouth, but it is believed that they are associated mainly with stress situations and, in the case of women, with hormonal changes.

Lichen planus oral

Lichen planus oral

It is an inflammatory disease of the skin whose symptoms may include pain in the tongue. The causes are not usually clear, but it is believed that they are usually associated with certain medications or infections such as hepatitis C. It is usually a problem that is solved by resorting to antihistamines and corticosteroids.

Burning mouth syndrome


This disease is also known as Stomatodniya and consists of the sensation of itching, stinging, tingling, numbness, and burning that manifests mainly on the tip and the sides of the tongue. It can last for years, and the symptoms can vary until they change the flavor of the food, which will begin to be metallic and bitter.

The causes of this syndrome are unknown, but it is related to stress, smoking, some medications, allergies, diabetes or anemia. The treatment to solve this problem will derive from the reason that caused the disease.

Saliva calculations

Saliva calculations

The calculations in the salivary glands partially or prevent the flow of saliva in the mouth. Because of this, there is a painful swelling under the skin of the tongue especially at the time of eating as the glands secrete more saliva that cannot flow to the outside.

Glossopharyngeal neuralgia

Glossopharyngeal neuralgia

This disease can cause a very acute pain because it comes from an irritated nerve. It may appear for no apparent reason but is sometimes linked to aging, diabetes, multiple sclerosis or cancer. Pain may also appear in the throat, ear or tonsils.

Other causes

However, there are even more causes that can cause tongue pain in addition to those already mentioned, only less frequent. Some are glossiness, which affects the tip of the tongue and is common in people suffering from depression. Behçet syndrome is a rare disease that causes ulcers and pain in the tongue. Pemphigus vulgaris is an autoimmune disorder that causes blisters to appear on various parts of the body, including the tongue.

Another rare disease that affects the tongue is the so-called neck-tongue syndrome, which affects only one side of the neck and tongue. In addition to causing pain in this can also make you lose sensitivity. Finally, medicines such as reserpine or aspirin and also some mouthwash can make the tongue hurt.

How to relieve tongue pain

Luckily, there are several remedies to remove tongue pain, and most of them can be done at home and even without having to resort to medication.

Maintaining proper oral hygiene is essential to avoid any condition or discomfort in the language. To do this, it is necessary to pay attention to this body brushing it as it is done with the teeth or using a specific scraper for it. It is also advisable to use an oral rinse after brushing.

why tongue pain

The gargling and rinsing with warm water and salt help eliminate microorganisms that can cause infection and pain. Also, in the case of glossitis, also helps in the disappearance of inflammation and swelling. If the problem is a bite, the salt will help disinfect and heal wounds.

Eating pineapple is a solution as simple as it is delicious to eliminate pain in the case of suffering from the black tongue. When chewing the pieces of this fruit, the tongue is hydrated, and it recovers little by little.

Eat fresh yogurts. It helps relieve stinging in the tongue and also not only favors the elimination of ulcers inside the mouth but also prevents a relapse.

Yogurt to relieve pain in the tongue

Yogurt to relieve pain in the tongue

Apply a wet tea bag on the surface of the tongue. You can use the sachet that has been used to prepare the tea and then you will immediately notice pain relief as it is a natural analgesic. The tea also has an astringent effect. Chamomile can also replace it.

Apply ice directly to the surface of the tongue as it numbs the nerves and, therefore, the pain will not be noticed as much. However, care must be taken when applying it so as not to cause burns on the surface of the tongue.

Put glycerin in the sores or ulcers to cure them and also to relieve pain.

Cure tongue pain with papaya

Cure tongue pain with papaya

Stop smoking, as it is one of the main causes that cause pain in the tongue by worsening the immune system and by introducing toxins with the smoke directly into the mouth and therefore into the tongue. It is usual that when quitting smoking, many patients notice immediate relief in the pain of the tongue.

The aloe vera is also a great remedy to relieve the pain of the tongue. You can spread the gel from the leaves directly on the surface of the same or dissolve it in water and use it to rinse three or four times a day.

The bicarbonate is another ingredient that there is always at any home and can be used to relieve the pain of the tongue. One option is to make a paste with the baking soda and a little water to spread directly on the tongue and another, dissolve it in water and rinse with the mixture several times a day.

The lavender essential oil helps reduce both pain and inflammation. One way to use it is to dissolve a few drops in a cup of hot water and then rinse with the mixture. You can also add honey and cold water. It is very important never to ingest lavender essential oil as it can be dangerous.

The honey acts as a natural disinfectant and also helps ease the pain. It is enough to extend it on the tongue to notice the relief or to make a paste mixing it with turmeric to apply and to rinse later. Hopefully, we may get why tongue pain and how to relieve it.