What Are The Different Methods Of Rubber Moulding?

What are the different types of rubber moulding processes? If you are new to the idea of making or creating products for business or private clients, you may not necessarily know what each of the various moulding methods and processes are. Below are some of the different types of rubber moulding, with an eye to providing you with a brief overview of each of their uses, advantages and disadvantages.

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Injection moulding is a type of hot moulding process in which the heated liquid propels molten rubber into a cavitation chamber where it fuses with a polymer. The cavity is typically filled with polyurethane foam, so that the two materials mix together and create a solid mass which will harden as it cools. This type of moulding generally takes a longer time to create than some of the other methods because of the length of time taken for the polymer to fuse with the liquid and harden. For Rubber Moulding services, consider rubber moulding from meadex

Rotary stamping is the most traditional of the rubber moulding process and involves manually stamping the design onto the required materials. By using a rotary tool, it is possible to quickly and accurately stamp any design or logo onto your products, but the downside is that this moulding method can be labour intensive and expensive to use.

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A similar but less labour-intensive moulding method is the sublimation moulding process in which a liquid of particular temperature is shot into the mould. This moulding method can be more efficient because it allows exact control of the viscosity of the liquid allowing it to precisely affect the heat and pressure levels within the mould.