Jobs at Home to Get us Through Lockdown

Although we are all in lockdown right now and the weather is cold and a bit depressing there are plenty of things that we can get on with to keep busy. As we look forward to brighter and better days in the near future, here are a few things that you can get on with to look after your home and keep you busy whilst we wait for better times…

Get the Garden Ready for Spring – Although it may not seem like it, spring is just around the corner – the snowdrops are out and heralding the oncoming warmer season, so it is a good time to get the garden ready. Have a look at things that may need repairing after the wild winter weather such as fences and plant some seeds and bulbs ready for the springtime.

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Have a Wardrobe De-Clutter – Organising your wardrobe will make your morning routine quicker and easier as you won’t be rummaging through piles of clothes that you don’t wear. You can sell or recycle old clothes that you no longer have any use for, and you can always reward yourself with some new clothes that you have had your eye on like this Superdry menswear  once you have finished your clear out.

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Sort out the Garage – This is a job that nobody likes but you can free up so much space if you spend a couple of days having a good garage clear out. You may even be able to make some money having a garage sale of things that you no longer use!