Why plumbers love their profession

We all want to do a job we love, but for too many of us, this seems like a faraway dream. Yet there are careers that always rank highly when it comes to job satisfaction, and plumbing is one of them.

In fact, plumbing scored highly across a number of categories in a recent survey of tradespeople. In a 2021 study, the vast majority of plumbers reported that they enjoy their job and feel proud of the work that they do.

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The benefits of a trade

As one of the most popular trade careers, plumbing offers a number of appealing benefits. These include the chance to work outdoors (rather than being stuck behind a desk in an office), the opportunity to continue to learn new things, and the satisfaction of being able to see the physical results of all their hard work.

There is a lot of variety to be enjoyed, both in terms of job location and environment – you could spend one day on a building site, and the next at a sewer pipe lining Wolverhampton. And there is also the flexibility to work your preferred hours, as well as getting to interact with customers.

Starting your career

There are many reasons why plumbers love their job, and why it can make a great career choice. You can find out the kind of jobs that a plumber undertakes at a specialist site such as www.wilkinson-env.co.uk/sewer-repairs-drain-lining-concrete-cutting/drain-repairs/drain-repairs-wolverhampton. And if that interests you, then you’ll be pleased to know that it can be easy to get started in this fantastic career.

There are plenty of entry-level roles in the field, and training is usually very accessible too, with apprenticeships available in many cases. You may be able to train on the job, allowing you to start earning straight away.

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And as a plumber, you can expect job security, thanks to the essential nature of this work. You can progress to becoming a business owner or choose to specialise in an advanced area of plumbing, such as the use of gas-powered machinery or drainage system design.