10 inspiring ideas for picnic decorating

Do you prefer green meadow? field? the beach? You choose the place where you want to spend a few hours enjoying food and company. But to make the idea of ​​your little head come true and be even better, the following ideas for decorating a picnic will help you. Want to try?

A table is full of cakes!

It is a great idea to create your own picnic, inside your home. I know that it is usually done outdoors, but if it’s raining, you don’t have a garden or you can’t leave the house for whatever reason, fill a table with delicious food!

If the weather is good and you can enjoy your outdoors, don’t waste them! Include on the terrace or on your patio, a table full of delicious cakes, omelets, sweets, jams … Even, to give a special touch to the photos you take, you can put a false background of a field or a mountain.

Do you love the beach?

Choosing the place of the picnic is crucial for its development. If you are a great lover of water and sand, you can propose the idea of ​​creating a picnic on the beach. The stones and rocks will help you create props for whatever you need. Even a wall can serve as a backrest.

The sand itself can be used for the seats, provided it is in good condition, and it will act as a comfortable mattress. Although if you don’t want to be in the sand, you can always find a large cloth, a handkerchief, or a towel and spread it out. The cushions will also be very useful.

Serve the drink in a keg?

An interesting idea is to take advantage of old things and furniture that you have. In this case, a wine barrel, cut in half, is not bad as a container for drinks. The idea is to create a kind of boat, where you can put the things you need at that time.

You can also do this idea since these barrels can be relatively easy to find … although their price is somewhat high. But the decorative function is impressive. How about this idea for a very special picnic?

Decoration for a vintage picnic

I love the vintage-style decoration and, this picnic shares the colors that attract a lot of attention. They give a soft and delicate touch to the scene, which takes place next to an “ordinary” river and which right now is irrelevant.

The importance of this show of subtle colors gives that vintage touch. Look for some cushions, a nice tablecloth, and old-style tableware, you will see how beautiful your picnic is and how good it will come for you to relax during the day you do it.

An evening picnic?

Small picnic decorated for the sunset, with candles and small lanterns. It is an incredible idea that you can use to celebrate certain events. For example, this picnic belongs to a wedding, so it does not lack a single detail. Of course, if you want something different and original, why not have a picnic at sunset?

Take advantage of your car!

Do you want an original idea? I leave you with the trunk of this little truck, turned into a picnic for a day. It is an ingenious idea that will leave a lot of marks in every photograph you take of the day. This proposal was created for a wedding, incredible.

Do you love nature?

A picnic can be improvised or created in advance if you know where you are going to do it. Perhaps this is one of the ideas that I have liked the most of all the ones I have posted. In this case and as you can see, a series of stumps are used as a seat, and on the wooden table, a series of flowers makes their way to the picnic food.

The flowers accompany the rest of nature and the seats could not be more comfortable, since they have been added a series of soft and wonderful cushions, in full color. These colors enhance the scene, looking like something out of a book or a story. What do you think of the idea of ​​eating while listening to the birds and the voice of nature?

Do you like to take care of the line?

Strawberries, strawberries, melon, watermelon … try to enjoy a delicious snack with natural and healthy products for the body. Of course, for those with a sweet tooth, do not forget to bring the jam … even if it is not abused, it will give a delicious touch to the appetizers.

A fun picnic!

If you have children, they will love this idea. It is about creating a small Tipi shop for them to enjoy the day. Inside it, they can eat and shelter from the sun. It can also be used to nap or play in and around it after eating. It really is a place to shelter and tell little secrets. What do you think about the idea?

Have you got a bike?

If your lifestyle is very healthy and you love to cycle everywhere, try having a picnic with the help of your bicycle. Take a look at the photograph and you will see that you can pose it on a tree and leave the food basket in the back. Grab what you need and start your picnic!

The biggest picnic in the world!

Finally, I leave you with this 49 kilometers long of this giant picnic It seems like an adventure! An adventure to run, walk, or stop to eat and spend the day.

This idea was conceived by two twin brothers, who began to create the largest picnic blanket in the world. Little by little and with the help of volunteers, weaving different fabrics and blankets, it spread across the meadow of the green hills of Stein, Switzerland. You are looking at a gigantic mosaic of colors, with all kinds of elements such as sheets, towels, or even curtains.