How to clean suede couch naturally?

clean suede couch naturally

Cleaning your suede couch is a very simple yet unpleasant task for many. The challenge with cleaning or brightening such surfaces is that they get dirty and stained easily and thus become dull-looking. Brushing the couch regularly, vacuuming it at regular intervals, and wiping spills immediately helps keep it clean all the time. However, when it gets too dirty or stained with food, makeup, oil from cooking, etc. it is advisable to go for an easier and natural cleaning process.

How to clean suede couch naturally?

Here are a few tips that will help you clean your suede couch in a fast and efficient manner:

  • Use a pencil eraser or any gum rubber for removing stains from the surface of the suede fabric. Rub the surface gently in a circular motion applying little force. [Note: do not rub too hard on the fabric as it will lead to further damage]
  • Use toothpaste with baking soda and a cloth for removing stubborn stains from suede. Apply a dab of your regular toothpaste or gel on a clean cloth, add some baking soda to it and rub the toothpaste on your suede fabric. Rub in a circular motion using a clean cloth or old tee shirt.
  • Apply a small amount of leather conditioner with a soft cloth to bring back the original shine of the surface.
  • Protect your couch from spills immediately as they can lead to further damage and loss of color.
  • You can also use a solution of mild soap and water to clean the couch, which is one of the easiest ways to get rid of stains on suede fabric. Make sure you don’t wet it completely since leather is very sensitive to moisture. Cleaning up your suede fabric with liquid spills like coffee or juice gets rid of the stains from the surface of the couch.
  • Sponge the soiled parts with a cloth dipped in water and soap solution to remove dirt, dust or oil. You can also use a soft-bristled brush to clean it. Make sure you don’t rub too hard as it will cause further damage to your couch.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner and brush attachment to remove dirt from the surface, crevices and cracks.
  • Use cornstarch as a homemade solution for cleaning your suede couch. Sprinkle some cornstarch over the soiled area on the couch and rub it in with your fingers or hand. Leave it there overnight and then remove it by brushing off the powder, which absorbs all dirt, oil, etc.
  • Lastly, use a suede sponge with lukewarm water to wipe your couch clean. Make sure you don’t use too much pressure while cleaning or else it may cause damage to your fabric. You can also purchase a special vacuum attachment that comes in handy to remove dust and dirt.

Suede couches can get dirty very easily, which leads to fading of their color over time. However, with the help of these tips, you can clean your suede couch naturally without using any harsh chemicals.

You may also like to read how to clean suede couch.