The energy efficient kitchen

There are lots of reasons why you would want to make your kitchen more energy efficient.  If you stick to considering the amount of energy that a kitchen consumes it’s quite a frightening prospect.  In one corner you have fridges which are constantly on and using electricity.  On the other side you may well have a dishwasher, tumble dryer or washing machine.  These also use intensive bursts of electricity for them to function correctly.  Finally, there is also your cooker.  You may have a gas powered one which is using fossil fuels or you may rely on an electric oven,  either way they are also large energy drainers.  Finally, there are the smaller utensils that you might use over a shorter burst.  These include kettles, blenders and of course the toaster.

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There are several ways that you can reduce the amount of energy that you’re teaching uses.  If effective lighting is one of the most important changes that you can make.  Switching over to LED or low energy light bulbs are a primary way of reducing the amount of energy used in the home in general. Downlight Covers, like those from, also a great way of ensuring that drafts that are created by the installation of such lights do not contribute to an increase in heat loss.

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Insulation throughout the home is an essential part of maintaining energy efficiency and the kitchen is no exception to this rule.  Maintaining the equipment within the kitchen and keeping a track of your energy usage is also a good idea.