Building your own Home -Why it Has Become More Popular

When it comes to finding a home, this is one of the most expensive and important purchases that you will probably ever make. The old saying location, location, location is still as important as ever and people looking for a new home often struggle to find the perfect home in the perfect area, often having to make compromises in order to live in place where they want to be.

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Living in a home that is great but in an area that is unsuitable for your needs can be a costly mistake and as people struggle to find the home they want in the area that is also right for them, more and more people are getting more creative with ways that will enable them to have a suitable home in their chosen area.

Building a home from scratch is becoming a lot more popular as since 2016 it has been a lot easier due to a change in government rules regarding the housing and planning act. Local councils must now make sure that available plots are in the area to meet demand for housing.

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Building a house is also a great way to have a say in the way that you want your home to be. You can prioritise exactly what you want in a home. Make sure that you do plenty of research – get quotes and consult planning maps like these before you dive into the decision, but it is certainly a great way for many people to meet their needs.