5 Scientifically-Proven Side Effects of Eating Fish


There are several side effects you can get from eating fish. Here are five of them from best Aussie online casinos.

1 A lower likelihood of heart disease.

According to an analysis of four international cohort studies that involved more than 191,000 adults from 56 countries, consuming at least two servings (175 grams or about 6 ounces) of an oily fish each week was associated with a lower risk of experiencing a major cardiovascular disease event (such as heart attack or stroke) among those who have already been diagnosed with a heart condition.

These findings, which were recently published on March 8, 2021 in JAMA Internal Medicine, reveal that the omega-3 fatty acids found in this type of fish can reduce a person’s chances of suffering from another cardiac episode—and possibly a fatal one—by nearly 17%.

2 A boost in brain health

The omega-3s found in fatty fish may also help protect your brain. A 2020 study conducted by researchers from Columbia University Irving Medical Center in New York discovered that older women (with an average age of 70) who showed the highest levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood also had greater volumes of white matter in the brain (the area that’s composed of millions of nerve fibers).

The participants who ate one to two servings of baked or broiled fish or shellfish a week had healthier brain scans. The reason? The omega-3s likely promoted an anti-inflammatory response, and in return, helped the brain fight damage caused by aging, as well as toxins found in air pollution. It can potentially increase your gaming performance at best casino online.

3 Fewer episodes of depression

Once again, you are what you eat. Study authors from James Cook University in Australia analyzed the eating habits of residents from two islands—one where fast food is available and one where it’s not. By screening the volunteers for depression, inquiring about their food choices, and testing their blood levels, the researchers uncovered some interesting findings, which were published in the journal Nutritional Neuroscience.

First, the islanders who had access to fast food ate more processed meals while those from the other island consumed more seafood. The participants who were likely to be diagnosed with major depressive symptoms were younger and frequent fast-food eaters. And, the results from the blood tests showed that the seafood lovers had high levels of depression-fighting omega-3s.

4 Improved shut-eye

Salmon and sleep may go hand-in-hand. Research published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine examined the sleep patterns of men over a five-month period who consumed Atlantic fish three times a week along with males who were instructed to eat other types of protein, such as chicken or meat. At the conclusion of the study, the men in the fish group reported better sleep quality, as well as better daily functioning. The authors question the role vitamin D may have played in this outcome.

5 Reduced joint inflammation

Adding sardines to your plate may help treat your stiff knees, suggests findings published in the journal Arthritis Care & Research. For nearly one year, 176 adults filled out a questionnaire that assessed their daily diet. The volunteers who were living with rheumatoid arthritis, and reported eating fish at least twice a week, displayed fewer symptoms (such as swollen or tender joints) compared to other volunteers with the same condition who consumed fish once a month or less.