Being Aware of the Warranty on your New Boiler

Your boiler is something which keeps your home running – from providing you with hot water for cleaning, to keeping you warm in the winter, the boiler is an essential part of the health of your household. When something goes wrong with the boiler it is important to get a professional like this boiler installation Cheltenham based company to repair it for you as soon as possible.

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Sometimes, especially with old boilers, you will need to have a new one installed – when you do this you should be aware of the warranty terms that come with your new boiler. If you break them, it is likely to invalidate your warranty – this is different to a guarantee. Reduce your risk by being aware of some of these common warranty excluders that people can inadvertently fall foul of…

Be aware of the parts that are covered in the Warranty – Have a look at the warranty for your new boiler and check if there are parts of it that are not covered. Often, parts that tend to have shorter lives will not be covered, such as fuses.

Know how long the warranty lasts for – This is important, as you don’t want to wait to have a problem seen to that then means the boiler is no longer covered. Most boilers tend to not have anything go wrong with them within the first few years, but it can and does happen, so be aware of the length of time that your cover lasts for.

Get it Serviced – Getting your boiler serviced annually is important, as things may well be spotted that you were not aware of, which could have become a bigger problem further down the line, but when the warranty is no longer valid. Having a regular boiler service will reduce your risk of this happening. It also ensures that your boiler is safe.

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What does the Warranty Cover – Be aware that some warranties may not cover everything, for example parts may be covered but the labour charge to replace them may not be. You may also need to pay a deposit to cover it, which could then be reimbursed to you if the fault is covered by the warranty on the boiler.